Saturday, December 6, 2008

How Old is Old?

A little while ago I had a conversation with an eleven year old who made this blanket statement of "I don't like old people". I ventured to ask, "Why not?" Reply, "They smell." Thinking he must of had an unfortunate visit to one of those nursing homes that reek of incontinence, I ventured forward with another question. "How old do you have to be to be old?" Reply, "Sixty." Me, "Do you know how old I am?" He,"No." Me, "Sixty One. Do I smell?" I hope I raised his age requirement up a level to at least a sixty-five. By the way, he assured me that I didn't. Smell, that is. Phew! Funny thing is, when I was his age, I thought sixty was old too. But not anymore! After all, sixty is the new forty!

1 comment:

Femin Susan said...

Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting....Good Luck...Welcome to my blog...

Merry Christmas and happy New year.